Wednesday, January 28, 2004
ANOTHER snow day? Are you kidding me? No? It is? Wow. Talk about a second winter vacation. I actually sort of hope that school IS in tommorow as there are only 5 snow days alloted for our district each year. And we have, as of today, used up 5 of them.
Right now I am in the Weatherhead School of Management at CWRU, using a computer here randomly. Very pretty computer, actually, with a flatscreen monitor (ooh!). I came into the university with my brother in the morning. All I have done so far today is play Simcity 4 a bit, get sucked up into deviantart (my account is Bazilisk), gone to the art museum for an hour, inked a page of my comics and slept for an hour in a really comfy grabs-your-ass-and-doesn't let go chair at the CWRU library where my mom works.
Pretty good day, but I am actually starting to (can't believe I'm saying this) miss school, mostly because of the routine and social interaction parts of it. 6 days of very little school, 5 completely free of it. One of the best weeks of sophomore year, however, I want to start the new semester and actually see everybody. . .
Ta-ta for now. I promise to print an interesting essay tommorow.
*zips off to other webpage*
Right now I am in the Weatherhead School of Management at CWRU, using a computer here randomly. Very pretty computer, actually, with a flatscreen monitor (ooh!). I came into the university with my brother in the morning. All I have done so far today is play Simcity 4 a bit, get sucked up into deviantart (my account is Bazilisk), gone to the art museum for an hour, inked a page of my comics and slept for an hour in a really comfy grabs-your-ass-and-doesn't let go chair at the CWRU library where my mom works.
Pretty good day, but I am actually starting to (can't believe I'm saying this) miss school, mostly because of the routine and social interaction parts of it. 6 days of very little school, 5 completely free of it. One of the best weeks of sophomore year, however, I want to start the new semester and actually see everybody. . .
Ta-ta for now. I promise to print an interesting essay tommorow.
*zips off to other webpage*
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Another snowday? Is this some ploy by the gods or the weather patterns to make me the most ridulously content high schooler ever?
Actually, it would probably be considered more of an 'ice day'. Last night I witnessed one of the weirdest phenomenas in weather. A winter thunderstorm.
It woke me up around 3:30 AM, and I ran downstairs in my paranoid-about-weather fashion to flip on the weather channel and see if there's a bizarre blizzard or something coming towards my neighborhood. Nothing. On my way down the stairs, however, I noticed there were hailstones coming into the chimney. Not very large, but it all seems like a dreamlike pattern of weather when I look back at it.
So I go back to sleep with a little difficulty as I am paranoid about thunder striking the trees right next to my window (I sleep on the top part of a bunk bed right next to a window). But nothing, obviously, became of the weather aside from the snowday.
I wake up at 5:45 or so, did some chores and then flipped on the TV. I had to wait through about 8 minutes of watching all of the 300 or so school names roll by in order to catch a glimpse of exactly what I was hoping for: Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools! Yay! Again! And this is especially brilliant, because just like last night I have no responsibilities whatsoever today.
This weather system is so weird...first thunderstorms and hail, then freezing rain and now about 20 minutes ago it decided to throw down big, fat flakes of snow. This weather pattern is just too cool for school- it's dancing to the beat of its OWN drum. It must have just discovered its individualistic side and it's all like
"No, I'm too weird to just conform like a blind sheep and only do ONE weather thing. I'm gonna totally freak out the entire Cuyahoga valley by going totally weird on their asses, with , like, THUNDER during the WINTER! Yeah, and Hail! And freezing rain to really screw up their roads. And just when they think they know what's up, I'll throw SNOW down on their heads. Big, thick clumps of it. Yeah! All That'lll totally make them like 'WTF mate?"! Hahahah! *snicker*"
I look outside the window, listening to Bjork's odd low key singing and I feel rather inspired.
I could get used to weeks like this.
Current Mood: Artistically happy
Current Music: Bjork's 'Vespertine'
Actually, it would probably be considered more of an 'ice day'. Last night I witnessed one of the weirdest phenomenas in weather. A winter thunderstorm.
It woke me up around 3:30 AM, and I ran downstairs in my paranoid-about-weather fashion to flip on the weather channel and see if there's a bizarre blizzard or something coming towards my neighborhood. Nothing. On my way down the stairs, however, I noticed there were hailstones coming into the chimney. Not very large, but it all seems like a dreamlike pattern of weather when I look back at it.
So I go back to sleep with a little difficulty as I am paranoid about thunder striking the trees right next to my window (I sleep on the top part of a bunk bed right next to a window). But nothing, obviously, became of the weather aside from the snowday.
I wake up at 5:45 or so, did some chores and then flipped on the TV. I had to wait through about 8 minutes of watching all of the 300 or so school names roll by in order to catch a glimpse of exactly what I was hoping for: Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools! Yay! Again! And this is especially brilliant, because just like last night I have no responsibilities whatsoever today.
This weather system is so weird...first thunderstorms and hail, then freezing rain and now about 20 minutes ago it decided to throw down big, fat flakes of snow. This weather pattern is just too cool for school- it's dancing to the beat of its OWN drum. It must have just discovered its individualistic side and it's all like
"No, I'm too weird to just conform like a blind sheep and only do ONE weather thing. I'm gonna totally freak out the entire Cuyahoga valley by going totally weird on their asses, with , like, THUNDER during the WINTER! Yeah, and Hail! And freezing rain to really screw up their roads. And just when they think they know what's up, I'll throw SNOW down on their heads. Big, thick clumps of it. Yeah! All That'lll totally make them like 'WTF mate?"! Hahahah! *snicker*"
I look outside the window, listening to Bjork's odd low key singing and I feel rather inspired.
I could get used to weeks like this.
Current Mood: Artistically happy
Current Music: Bjork's 'Vespertine'
Monday, January 26, 2004
Oh and here's a pointless personality test!
this is my way to live
What about yours?
made by rav-chan
Today was the last day of finals.
CG was easy, although the end result was rather ugly. I hope she does not mind...I might or might not get an A but I dfeinitley will not get less than a B, especially considering the fact the teacher seems to like me.
Math, on the other hand, was horrible. I did not bring my graphing calculator, so I had to borrow one from the teacher- and this one did not have the incerdibly useful automatic quadratic formula programmed into it! Because of this, in part, I probably got no more than a C. Crap. Not good. But- IT'S OVER!!!
Since school ended early, and I had no responsibilites and no homework tonight, I went home at 11:30 and listened to music and such until I met Anya and Alla at the library (they were not allowed to come to my house with no 'rental supervision). They huggled, mostly, first downstairs in a curiously abandoned room with stacks of chairs around the edges, until we were kicked out of there to make room for some meeting or summat. So where else did we go but the childrens' section?
So there was a short dark-haired, intelligent looking teenage girl hugging a tye-dye clad long haired girl of what looks like her same age, talking with eachother and a frizzy haired girl dressed in all black and an XM shirt close by. These three are surrounded by various teenage posessions including an overstuffed backpack, an anime DVD and a TMBG CD being rented out from the library. All of this in the reading nook of the childrens section of the local library. With 5 and 8 year olds wandering about, completley unphased. Ah, how romantic, no? I know the idea of it make ME hot. Or not.
So after wasting time at the library most noisily (suprised they didnt kick us out), I went back, played on the comp00ter, and listened to yet more music until it twas time to go to the amnsety international speech being delivered downtown. Some more scholarly social studies students in Mr. McKenna's history classes were asked to go to see a special oppurtunity of some dude who worked for Amnesty International who was giving a speech of much interest to me. But it was canceled, and after walking the 1.5 miles to school through the freezing rain and snow (wasn't that bad, actually, with my nice coat and wool socks) I was driven back home after less than 5 minutes at school. Thanks, Brent's mom, by the way!
So now I am just sitting here, listening to classic alternative (Fred) on XM and thinking about what to do with the next many hours I have to waste with NO HOMEWORK.
Holy Subgenius Bob-enabled Slack.
Hmm...maybe I'll watch a DVD...
*wanders off to other coordinates in space time continuim*
PS Here is my pointless tripod page. There will be stuff there at one point or antoher, do not fret.
CG was easy, although the end result was rather ugly. I hope she does not mind...I might or might not get an A but I dfeinitley will not get less than a B, especially considering the fact the teacher seems to like me.
Math, on the other hand, was horrible. I did not bring my graphing calculator, so I had to borrow one from the teacher- and this one did not have the incerdibly useful automatic quadratic formula programmed into it! Because of this, in part, I probably got no more than a C. Crap. Not good. But- IT'S OVER!!!
Since school ended early, and I had no responsibilites and no homework tonight, I went home at 11:30 and listened to music and such until I met Anya and Alla at the library (they were not allowed to come to my house with no 'rental supervision). They huggled, mostly, first downstairs in a curiously abandoned room with stacks of chairs around the edges, until we were kicked out of there to make room for some meeting or summat. So where else did we go but the childrens' section?
So there was a short dark-haired, intelligent looking teenage girl hugging a tye-dye clad long haired girl of what looks like her same age, talking with eachother and a frizzy haired girl dressed in all black and an XM shirt close by. These three are surrounded by various teenage posessions including an overstuffed backpack, an anime DVD and a TMBG CD being rented out from the library. All of this in the reading nook of the childrens section of the local library. With 5 and 8 year olds wandering about, completley unphased. Ah, how romantic, no? I know the idea of it make ME hot. Or not.
So after wasting time at the library most noisily (suprised they didnt kick us out), I went back, played on the comp00ter, and listened to yet more music until it twas time to go to the amnsety international speech being delivered downtown. Some more scholarly social studies students in Mr. McKenna's history classes were asked to go to see a special oppurtunity of some dude who worked for Amnesty International who was giving a speech of much interest to me. But it was canceled, and after walking the 1.5 miles to school through the freezing rain and snow (wasn't that bad, actually, with my nice coat and wool socks) I was driven back home after less than 5 minutes at school. Thanks, Brent's mom, by the way!
So now I am just sitting here, listening to classic alternative (Fred) on XM and thinking about what to do with the next many hours I have to waste with NO HOMEWORK.
Holy Subgenius Bob-enabled Slack.
Hmm...maybe I'll watch a DVD...
*wanders off to other coordinates in space time continuim*
PS Here is my pointless tripod page. There will be stuff there at one point or antoher, do not fret.
Saturday, January 24, 2004
So...happy...a fortunately timed snow day, filled with lazy fun, followed by a terrific saturday filled with debate. My team won 5th place with 2-1 on Kelly and my side (neg) and 1-2 wins-losses on Anya and Sarah's side (aff). So now I have two ribbons on my wall= 4th place and 5th place ! w00t!!
Then I saw Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. What an awesome movie, I got so into the emotions...although I didn't cry I found myself really rooting for the lead characters in the back of my mind. The only enemies I rooted for were the giant elephants and especially the winged dragon-type monsters controlled by Saruman's forces. So nifty!
That's it for now...more later...
*Aresome* *Day*
Then I saw Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. What an awesome movie, I got so into the emotions...although I didn't cry I found myself really rooting for the lead characters in the back of my mind. The only enemies I rooted for were the giant elephants and especially the winged dragon-type monsters controlled by Saruman's forces. So nifty!
That's it for now...more later...
*Aresome* *Day*
Friday, January 23, 2004
Today was an incredibly happy day, even though I did not leave the house the whole day. Why? The weather was so bad that there was a snow day! On the very day I had a math final for which I was unprepared , what did the gods of chance decide to do but CANCEL SCHOOL? w00t!!! Officially speaking this gives me more time to study, which I did for half an hour today. But otherwise I just wasted time on the internet, TV, read, bathed and listened to alot of stuff on XM. On XM today I heard a ocapella version of Purple Haze. I couldn't help but laugh at it. Never before has air guitar been heard in a song. HEARD- 'bow w bow a boww wooow'. I also heard 'Revolution Earth' by the B-52's. I think it will be my new personal anthem, it's so happy and reminds me of an experience I once had at starwood...ahh Starwood, I shall extrapolate about the beautiful pagan experience that is starwood at another point in time.
So right now I am writing not only to express my gratitude to the universe for giving me this kickass lazy ass day, but also to bitch abo0ut something that has been getting annoying lately: bloody confirmation emails in conjunction with MSN hotmail. I NEVER get the things in '5 minutes' as the sites I am supposed to ge them from say. I sometimes never get them at all. What the heck? Because of lack of confirmation emails I am not a member of either or deviantart. Grrrrr. I HATE them.
So anyway, if you are reading this, know that I would very much appreciate it if you were to write me a random email whether or not you know me personally. Just send it to! MAYBE it will get there.
So that's all for now.
Current music: "Do You Realize" by the Flaming Lips. I must get that CD...drool...
Current mood: ecstatic but still needing to get the 'sitting around the house all day' ya-ya's out.
So right now I am writing not only to express my gratitude to the universe for giving me this kickass lazy ass day, but also to bitch abo0ut something that has been getting annoying lately: bloody confirmation emails in conjunction with MSN hotmail. I NEVER get the things in '5 minutes' as the sites I am supposed to ge them from say. I sometimes never get them at all. What the heck? Because of lack of confirmation emails I am not a member of either or deviantart. Grrrrr. I HATE them.
So anyway, if you are reading this, know that I would very much appreciate it if you were to write me a random email whether or not you know me personally. Just send it to! MAYBE it will get there.
So that's all for now.
Current music: "Do You Realize" by the Flaming Lips. I must get that CD...drool...
Current mood: ecstatic but still needing to get the 'sitting around the house all day' ya-ya's out.
Monday, January 19, 2004
Study...finals...imminent...doom..must get off of intarweb.
I am now on friendster. W00t. But nobody loves me enough to join with me yet.
Can't talk. Stuff to do. For now just links., a random gaming site. Come on, you know- SLASHDOT Tech news! One of my favorite bands. Very beautifuclly sung slow dance music by an icelandic woman most famous for wearing a swan dress at an awards show.
I am now on friendster. W00t. But nobody loves me enough to join with me yet.
Can't talk. Stuff to do. For now just links., a random gaming site. Come on, you know- SLASHDOT Tech news! One of my favorite bands. Very beautifuclly sung slow dance music by an icelandic woman most famous for wearing a swan dress at an awards show.
Sunday, January 18, 2004
Just to re-iterate the fact I am NOT obsessed with TMBG. Especially considering I have never heard of this album. Gah, I would like more CDs in my CD collection...oh money why must ye be so unavailable...ANYWAY
Which They Might Be Giants album are you?
And just to make Sunday 'Personality test day', here is another one. I am depressed by how accurate the results are.
Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
Which They Might Be Giants album are you?
And just to make Sunday 'Personality test day', here is another one. I am depressed by how accurate the results are.
Enneagram Test Results
Your Unconscious-Overall type is Omni |
Saturday, January 17, 2004
So debate was completley pointless today. It turns out I was not actually on any of the teams. This meant I sat in the corner, drawing comics the whole time. Due to this rather fortunate state of events I got about one and a half pages of penciling done. Yay!
It was not a complete waste of a Saturday, however. I had a lot of fun just being there and wasting time, and I wasted alot of that time (actually in this case it wouldn't really be a WASTE) by talking to Anya. At first we were talking about this book I'm reading ('Our Kind' by Marvin Harris- it's about anthropology) and what is says about homosexuality throughout human culture, and the history of homosexuality (particularly lesbain) amongst humankind throughout history. And on a couple of other occasions we got into alot of fascinating conversations about religion. The way she proved my points about belief being a powerful force wrong was very impressive, and actually made me feel a bit like an atheist at the end of the day.
She said that the power behind believing in something is not mystical or anything but it rather truly all in the INDIVIDUALS' mind... in another words if a lot of people are using magick or prayer to help you, the reason you heal is not because of their sheer force of will in some mysterious mystical fashion(this is the wasy I previosuly saw it) but rather because of your own belief that the magick or prayer was effective. A placebo effect, or self fulfilling prophecy, or just 'believing you are strong makes you stronger' type thing. Very well put on her part, and I think it might make me discard my mystical leanings. I can think of no way to refute it, and at this point it seems so right that any philosophical backlashings on my part would be nothing but a vain struggle to narrow-mindedly prove myself right.
Anyway...when we weren't talking about morality or religion (or debate) then what else would we talk about but her latest and currently most powerful (at least un-romance related) obsession: They Might Be Giants?
I have always liked this band since I was very young, although I do not remember where I first heard of them. I do not have enough CD's of theirs, but I did see them in concert in NYC and I got to go backstage to meet them (they are old friends with my dad). They were really nice (they didn't seem like 'rock stars', more like random kind guys who happened to play really awesome music) and needless to say I was completley excited to meet them.
So I return to Chagrin after Christmas break only to see that Anya has become obsessed with them over while I was gone. She wished she could have seen them too, and maybe, just maybe she will see a live show someday. (When are they coming to Cleveland next anyway...?) Now she is drawing them alot, I have seen around 5 of them so far, some of which are cartoonish and one of Lynnel done more realisticaly. She even drew a shirt over break with fabric pens, of them with different characters and such from the lyrics to some of her favorite songs. It's slightly concerning, but this is normal behavior for her. Her obsessions are never weird or sexual, always with the music or the TV show or whatever and not with owning memorabilia of theirs or anything.
I would not say I am obsessed with them (so what I tried to dial dial a song 3 or 4 times today?) as it is hard to be obsessed with someone who has a connection, albeit rather weak, with you and who you have already met. I see them as 'that really cool band who my dad knows', not 'oh my god it's they might be giants in person'. But after break, especially today, Anya really turned me onto their music again and we discussed some of our favorite songs.
My favorites right now...hmm, probably "New York City", "Your Racist Friend", "Mammals", the one with the lyrics "You're older than you've ever been and now you're even older...and now you're even older...and now you're older still..." and "Don't Let's Start". I know those are some of their more well known ones, but I love them.
Probably the best part of their songs is how random and yet coherent their lyrics are. They have a certain catch, a certain charm or talent that nobody else I have heard has. They are a one-band genre. And I love that genre. If anybody else did stuff like them they would be seen as nothing but TMBG copycats. Although, after watching their DVD 'Gigantic', I sort of wonder if their style of doing songs about seemingly unimportant, spur of the moment things might be a good idea for me. All I need is knowledge of the guitar and the keyboard, and I'm set. I already write songs and sing, and Anya can drum, sing and play melodical percussion (read:xylophones)...hmm. . . I just need to take lessons in those two instruments I know nothing about. Keyboard is first.
Yes. I now have a new ambition. I will become musically talented enough to team up with a friend and be a two-woman band! A female version of TMBG, only maybe with some more coherent songs or some different musical styles then they have!! Yes! We will be called 'The Reptiles'! No, make that...'The swigs'! No, 'The cups'? 'Evolutionary ladder'? GAH, I'm very uncreative in the band name department right now. But mark my words, nonexistent readers of this blog, the day will come when I am in a rock band. And then I'll be a rock star. Or not.
Yeah...comics are more my thang anyway.
'GAH! But I wanna stand on stage and pound out chords and sing fun songs and jump up and down and make weird keyboard sounds and...and...and...'
Please excuse that recent lack of reason. It seems my inner 'wannabe rocker/celebrity' had made itself known, and it won't stop bitching at my subconcious until I shut it up with keyboard lessons, at least until I realize that I have no musical talent whatsoever and should stick to becoming a scientist. :-(
It was not a complete waste of a Saturday, however. I had a lot of fun just being there and wasting time, and I wasted alot of that time (actually in this case it wouldn't really be a WASTE) by talking to Anya. At first we were talking about this book I'm reading ('Our Kind' by Marvin Harris- it's about anthropology) and what is says about homosexuality throughout human culture, and the history of homosexuality (particularly lesbain) amongst humankind throughout history. And on a couple of other occasions we got into alot of fascinating conversations about religion. The way she proved my points about belief being a powerful force wrong was very impressive, and actually made me feel a bit like an atheist at the end of the day.
She said that the power behind believing in something is not mystical or anything but it rather truly all in the INDIVIDUALS' mind... in another words if a lot of people are using magick or prayer to help you, the reason you heal is not because of their sheer force of will in some mysterious mystical fashion(this is the wasy I previosuly saw it) but rather because of your own belief that the magick or prayer was effective. A placebo effect, or self fulfilling prophecy, or just 'believing you are strong makes you stronger' type thing. Very well put on her part, and I think it might make me discard my mystical leanings. I can think of no way to refute it, and at this point it seems so right that any philosophical backlashings on my part would be nothing but a vain struggle to narrow-mindedly prove myself right.
Anyway...when we weren't talking about morality or religion (or debate) then what else would we talk about but her latest and currently most powerful (at least un-romance related) obsession: They Might Be Giants?
I have always liked this band since I was very young, although I do not remember where I first heard of them. I do not have enough CD's of theirs, but I did see them in concert in NYC and I got to go backstage to meet them (they are old friends with my dad). They were really nice (they didn't seem like 'rock stars', more like random kind guys who happened to play really awesome music) and needless to say I was completley excited to meet them.
So I return to Chagrin after Christmas break only to see that Anya has become obsessed with them over while I was gone. She wished she could have seen them too, and maybe, just maybe she will see a live show someday. (When are they coming to Cleveland next anyway...?) Now she is drawing them alot, I have seen around 5 of them so far, some of which are cartoonish and one of Lynnel done more realisticaly. She even drew a shirt over break with fabric pens, of them with different characters and such from the lyrics to some of her favorite songs. It's slightly concerning, but this is normal behavior for her. Her obsessions are never weird or sexual, always with the music or the TV show or whatever and not with owning memorabilia of theirs or anything.
I would not say I am obsessed with them (so what I tried to dial dial a song 3 or 4 times today?) as it is hard to be obsessed with someone who has a connection, albeit rather weak, with you and who you have already met. I see them as 'that really cool band who my dad knows', not 'oh my god it's they might be giants in person'. But after break, especially today, Anya really turned me onto their music again and we discussed some of our favorite songs.
My favorites right now...hmm, probably "New York City", "Your Racist Friend", "Mammals", the one with the lyrics "You're older than you've ever been and now you're even older...and now you're even older...and now you're older still..." and "Don't Let's Start". I know those are some of their more well known ones, but I love them.
Probably the best part of their songs is how random and yet coherent their lyrics are. They have a certain catch, a certain charm or talent that nobody else I have heard has. They are a one-band genre. And I love that genre. If anybody else did stuff like them they would be seen as nothing but TMBG copycats. Although, after watching their DVD 'Gigantic', I sort of wonder if their style of doing songs about seemingly unimportant, spur of the moment things might be a good idea for me. All I need is knowledge of the guitar and the keyboard, and I'm set. I already write songs and sing, and Anya can drum, sing and play melodical percussion (read:xylophones)...hmm. . . I just need to take lessons in those two instruments I know nothing about. Keyboard is first.
Yes. I now have a new ambition. I will become musically talented enough to team up with a friend and be a two-woman band! A female version of TMBG, only maybe with some more coherent songs or some different musical styles then they have!! Yes! We will be called 'The Reptiles'! No, make that...'The swigs'! No, 'The cups'? 'Evolutionary ladder'? GAH, I'm very uncreative in the band name department right now. But mark my words, nonexistent readers of this blog, the day will come when I am in a rock band. And then I'll be a rock star. Or not.
Yeah...comics are more my thang anyway.
'GAH! But I wanna stand on stage and pound out chords and sing fun songs and jump up and down and make weird keyboard sounds and...and...and...'
Please excuse that recent lack of reason. It seems my inner 'wannabe rocker/celebrity' had made itself known, and it won't stop bitching at my subconcious until I shut it up with keyboard lessons, at least until I realize that I have no musical talent whatsoever and should stick to becoming a scientist. :-(
Friday, January 16, 2004
Today is FRIDAY!!!
ONe never knows the true value of a day of slack until one experiences a rather hellish week. And then- FRIDAY!! No homework or responsibilities, aside from doing WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT! I have been playing simcity since I got home , and surfing the net as well. So. Happy.
Although the riducolousness of Special X on XM radio definitley adds to the happiness factor. Before I heard a reindition of 'You ought to know' by Alanis Morisette as performed by the Texas Chainsaw Orchestra. The entire song redone with nothing but chainsaw noises- one of the rare pieces of musical geniuses which MUST be heard before one dies. Now I am listening to a hillbilly band called Iratowns play 'Welcome to the Jungle'. XD XD
Last night I fell asleep thinking about various famous-type people who I had seen on TV and the internet that day. And what did I dream about but They Might be Giants? My subconcious loves showing my some odd things sometimes. All I remember is that it was a completley G rated dream, and they only took part in a smaaaal part of it. Talking to Anya about TMBG made me remember that bit of my dream, although no other details have been recalled yet.
Dreams are one of the most fascinating subjects for me. Dream analysis is one of my occasional hobbies, and I just love hearing other people's bizarre dreams. It seems that everyone has different 'styles' of dreams that oddly fit their personality in one way or another. Like the ones obsessed with someting almost always dream about that thing, and the ones who seem depressed can have some very revealing dreams about their insecurities.
And then there are the psychic dreams. I have never had one, but they seem very believable. I have heard more than a handful of believable antectdotes from friends and family.
Anyway...what else is happening...I have debate tommorow and I have no idea whose team I am on or if I am even PARTICIPATING. Yet I will go anyway, just in case they expect me.
Wish CF Debate luck! W00t!!
Cool web comics- lookit!
More web comics, these are more random and instructional, by the author of Understanding Comics and Reinventing Comics.
Moveon. JOIN JOIN JOIN JOIN!! evil at its very best and least graphical!
Dragonhame, a rather active fantasy and dragon RP board. I don't have enough time for RP'ing, but maybe you like to RP. If so, check it out!
ONe never knows the true value of a day of slack until one experiences a rather hellish week. And then- FRIDAY!! No homework or responsibilities, aside from doing WHATEVER THE HELL YOU WANT! I have been playing simcity since I got home , and surfing the net as well. So. Happy.
Although the riducolousness of Special X on XM radio definitley adds to the happiness factor. Before I heard a reindition of 'You ought to know' by Alanis Morisette as performed by the Texas Chainsaw Orchestra. The entire song redone with nothing but chainsaw noises- one of the rare pieces of musical geniuses which MUST be heard before one dies. Now I am listening to a hillbilly band called Iratowns play 'Welcome to the Jungle'. XD XD
Last night I fell asleep thinking about various famous-type people who I had seen on TV and the internet that day. And what did I dream about but They Might be Giants? My subconcious loves showing my some odd things sometimes. All I remember is that it was a completley G rated dream, and they only took part in a smaaaal part of it. Talking to Anya about TMBG made me remember that bit of my dream, although no other details have been recalled yet.
Dreams are one of the most fascinating subjects for me. Dream analysis is one of my occasional hobbies, and I just love hearing other people's bizarre dreams. It seems that everyone has different 'styles' of dreams that oddly fit their personality in one way or another. Like the ones obsessed with someting almost always dream about that thing, and the ones who seem depressed can have some very revealing dreams about their insecurities.
And then there are the psychic dreams. I have never had one, but they seem very believable. I have heard more than a handful of believable antectdotes from friends and family.
Anyway...what else is happening...I have debate tommorow and I have no idea whose team I am on or if I am even PARTICIPATING. Yet I will go anyway, just in case they expect me.
Wish CF Debate luck! W00t!!
Cool web comics- lookit!
More web comics, these are more random and instructional, by the author of Understanding Comics and Reinventing Comics.
Moveon. JOIN JOIN JOIN JOIN!! evil at its very best and least graphical!
Dragonhame, a rather active fantasy and dragon RP board. I don't have enough time for RP'ing, but maybe you like to RP. If so, check it out!
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Today was a half day in school today, which means I only had Honors Chem, Choir, Spanish 3 and then Honors English 10. It was an entirely useless day, and I woke up at 5:30 AM and got to school by 7:20, yet I was not awarded for the efforts by my last class of the day, computer graphics. Ah well, at least I got to get out early.
So I guess they expect us to use this time to study for our midterms next week. If I were smart and productive I would already be doing that. But, as I have proved to myself over and over, I am neither of those two.
One thing I am right now, however, is HUNGRY. And I also have a craving for simcity 4. . .
But I must stay focused, especially since I am going to math tutor around 4 and I have to do stuff before that. Speaking of my math tutor right now I am still sort of pissed at my mom for forbidding me from being in the musical. The try-outs were today at 4:00 (I told her this last Thursday) but of course she had to schedule a meeting with my math tutor at 4:00 today as well. So guess which one wins? The one I planned almost a week in advance and that is a one time opportunity? Of course not. I am going to the bloody math tutor. This means I can't even TRY OUT for the musical, she says she forgot about the try outs being today when she scheduled the tutor. I am not putting it past her to completley forget soemthing important to me that I told her about, but the way she acted after I told her about the conflict is worthy of anger.
She says my grades are too bad to get distracted by something like a musical, ignoring the fact that debate is just as distracting and will be ending in less than a month.
The most annoying part of it all is that before she scheduled the conflicting tutor meeting, she was just fine with me trying out. So basically because of her making a scheduling mistake she had to come up with some excuse as to why I must not go the audition, thus forcing me to not be in the musical this year. She was fine with my plan she is now objecting to BEFORE she was pressured into admitting she made a dumb mistake. She must feel superior to me in every way, no matter what the cost is to me or my college application form. And admitting that my schedule should override hers would be like admitting defeat.
Manipulative, unthinking, control freak incapable of empathy.
Thanks to her one little booboo, I will not be in a play until my junior year ... (she is aware there are only 2 plays left I can try out for? And I have yet to be in any plays, but I love acting?)
Screw her. This is turning out to be a very negative week.
So I guess they expect us to use this time to study for our midterms next week. If I were smart and productive I would already be doing that. But, as I have proved to myself over and over, I am neither of those two.
One thing I am right now, however, is HUNGRY. And I also have a craving for simcity 4. . .
But I must stay focused, especially since I am going to math tutor around 4 and I have to do stuff before that. Speaking of my math tutor right now I am still sort of pissed at my mom for forbidding me from being in the musical. The try-outs were today at 4:00 (I told her this last Thursday) but of course she had to schedule a meeting with my math tutor at 4:00 today as well. So guess which one wins? The one I planned almost a week in advance and that is a one time opportunity? Of course not. I am going to the bloody math tutor. This means I can't even TRY OUT for the musical, she says she forgot about the try outs being today when she scheduled the tutor. I am not putting it past her to completley forget soemthing important to me that I told her about, but the way she acted after I told her about the conflict is worthy of anger.
She says my grades are too bad to get distracted by something like a musical, ignoring the fact that debate is just as distracting and will be ending in less than a month.
The most annoying part of it all is that before she scheduled the conflicting tutor meeting, she was just fine with me trying out. So basically because of her making a scheduling mistake she had to come up with some excuse as to why I must not go the audition, thus forcing me to not be in the musical this year. She was fine with my plan she is now objecting to BEFORE she was pressured into admitting she made a dumb mistake. She must feel superior to me in every way, no matter what the cost is to me or my college application form. And admitting that my schedule should override hers would be like admitting defeat.
Manipulative, unthinking, control freak incapable of empathy.
Thanks to her one little booboo, I will not be in a play until my junior year ... (she is aware there are only 2 plays left I can try out for? And I have yet to be in any plays, but I love acting?)
Screw her. This is turning out to be a very negative week.
Tuesday, January 13, 2004
ACH!! MIDTERMS! They are so...pointless...terrifying....imminent.
They are coming up next week. More quickly than I want to admit.
I try to study. I reallllly do. But then I get ...distracted. By my cats, by food, by laundry, by some important task or even just by other homework assigned to me this week. It is enough to drive one insane.
I am not feeling terribly creative today. I have a few rants in mind which I could go on about, but how abour for today I just recommend my favorite updated-regularly sites? Here are a few:
Something awful, a no-holds-barred humor site that is constantly poking fun at the stupidities brought about by the internet. Included is furry porn, suicidal gothic chicks, l33t hax0rs, counterstrike obsessed gamers, swf's, anime name it, they have made fun of it. Not for the easily offended or for those who can not take humor for what it truly is: HUMOR. Remember, they're kidding (most of the time).
Snopes, a gimongous urban legends database with topics ranging from disney movies to graphic beheadings. Urban legends and netlore as well as virus alerts updated a little less than daily. So Well-researched I take their word as truth in most of their diagnoses as to whether or not a legend is true. Sometimes, however, it is written a bit snobbily as though there were a word quota to fill. Good for those with an interest in modern myths. Hours worth of fascinating reading.
X-entertainment, a site much less involved with depictions of unclothed people than its name suggests. It is instead a blog updated regularly by the nostalgia-geek gen-x writer. It is not just about 80's nostalgia, however, even if you are of the wrong age group to experience fond memories of the most popularly bad decade, it is laughably funny writing more often than not and has been around for an impressively long time. Good for those bored, or trying to find examples as to how to be a humor writer.
Homestar Runner and Weebl and Bob, both rather popular flash animation series. Home star runner is almost always funny and the voice acting is memorable as well as unique. Most of the traffic probably goes to a section of the site dedicated to animated email Q and A sessions between the site visitors and Strongbad (Homestar's arch nemesis Mexican wrestler bully). Old-style pixelated graphics, funny voices, inside jokes and odd happenings are the basis for many of the animations. Weebl and Bob is not quite as popular in the US (it is British) as HR is, but it is well worth checking out. For those who like more postmodern or 'so pointless its funny' humor this is the site for you. Two eggs, simply animated with speech bubbles and barely decipherable audio, obsessed with pie. Meat pie, that is. See for yourself....
Well thad'd be it for now, I must now tackle homework...thanks for reading...
They are coming up next week. More quickly than I want to admit.
I try to study. I reallllly do. But then I get ...distracted. By my cats, by food, by laundry, by some important task or even just by other homework assigned to me this week. It is enough to drive one insane.
I am not feeling terribly creative today. I have a few rants in mind which I could go on about, but how abour for today I just recommend my favorite updated-regularly sites? Here are a few:
Something awful, a no-holds-barred humor site that is constantly poking fun at the stupidities brought about by the internet. Included is furry porn, suicidal gothic chicks, l33t hax0rs, counterstrike obsessed gamers, swf's, anime name it, they have made fun of it. Not for the easily offended or for those who can not take humor for what it truly is: HUMOR. Remember, they're kidding (most of the time).
Snopes, a gimongous urban legends database with topics ranging from disney movies to graphic beheadings. Urban legends and netlore as well as virus alerts updated a little less than daily. So Well-researched I take their word as truth in most of their diagnoses as to whether or not a legend is true. Sometimes, however, it is written a bit snobbily as though there were a word quota to fill. Good for those with an interest in modern myths. Hours worth of fascinating reading.
X-entertainment, a site much less involved with depictions of unclothed people than its name suggests. It is instead a blog updated regularly by the nostalgia-geek gen-x writer. It is not just about 80's nostalgia, however, even if you are of the wrong age group to experience fond memories of the most popularly bad decade, it is laughably funny writing more often than not and has been around for an impressively long time. Good for those bored, or trying to find examples as to how to be a humor writer.
Homestar Runner and Weebl and Bob, both rather popular flash animation series. Home star runner is almost always funny and the voice acting is memorable as well as unique. Most of the traffic probably goes to a section of the site dedicated to animated email Q and A sessions between the site visitors and Strongbad (Homestar's arch nemesis Mexican wrestler bully). Old-style pixelated graphics, funny voices, inside jokes and odd happenings are the basis for many of the animations. Weebl and Bob is not quite as popular in the US (it is British) as HR is, but it is well worth checking out. For those who like more postmodern or 'so pointless its funny' humor this is the site for you. Two eggs, simply animated with speech bubbles and barely decipherable audio, obsessed with pie. Meat pie, that is. See for yourself....
Well thad'd be it for now, I must now tackle homework...thanks for reading...
Sunday, January 11, 2004
HEY! Wow! Lookit, I finally have a freeking BLOG!! I jumped onto the bandwagon like the nonthinking sheep I am just a few months after everyone else did. I am now the hippest thing on this side of cool.
Just an intro to who I am...
I am a dislocated New Yorker (erm, sort of...) in a small town which I hate a bit too much. I am a liberal person when it comes to politics (although I am not into it as much as others as I have yet to take any classes in it and am therfore only moderately informed). I do high school debate, write and draw comics, draw random unpolished simplistic type cartoon drawings and pretend to paint. I also love listening to my XM Radio ^__^.
About high school and the town I am in- I LOVE my friends. I would not trade them for anything in the world. However, I wish they all happened to live in NYC...where I wish I lived as well. The main reason being the qualities of the small town (Chagrin Falls) I live in. It thinks it is small, but its school district is really full of THOUSANDS of recently developed houses in planned communities now covering what used to be wetlands.
The community is very wealthy, populated by some true 'old money' and also some lucky newly rich 'yuppies'. The majority of the kids in the high school are close minded and quick to be total assholes at the drop of a unconformist pin.
I shouldn't be bitching, though. My friends are always there for me, and when looked at in the grand scheme of things, considering the crime rate is very low and the schools are 'good', as well as the relatively uncliqy atmosphere of the HS, I have a pretty good life.
Thanks for reading,
Just an intro to who I am...
I am a dislocated New Yorker (erm, sort of...) in a small town which I hate a bit too much. I am a liberal person when it comes to politics (although I am not into it as much as others as I have yet to take any classes in it and am therfore only moderately informed). I do high school debate, write and draw comics, draw random unpolished simplistic type cartoon drawings and pretend to paint. I also love listening to my XM Radio ^__^.
About high school and the town I am in- I LOVE my friends. I would not trade them for anything in the world. However, I wish they all happened to live in NYC...where I wish I lived as well. The main reason being the qualities of the small town (Chagrin Falls) I live in. It thinks it is small, but its school district is really full of THOUSANDS of recently developed houses in planned communities now covering what used to be wetlands.
The community is very wealthy, populated by some true 'old money' and also some lucky newly rich 'yuppies'. The majority of the kids in the high school are close minded and quick to be total assholes at the drop of a unconformist pin.
I shouldn't be bitching, though. My friends are always there for me, and when looked at in the grand scheme of things, considering the crime rate is very low and the schools are 'good', as well as the relatively uncliqy atmosphere of the HS, I have a pretty good life.
Thanks for reading,